Pedestrian accident leaves man with life-threatening injuries

On behalf of Dickman Law Offices, P.S.C. posted in Pedestrian Accidents on Wednesday, August 22, 2012

While standing on a median waiting to cross the street, few people in Kentucky and elsewhere think that anything bad will happen. The light turns red, traffic stops, and you safely make it to the other side of the street. Sadly, this wasn’t the case for a man in nearby Lexington who was struck earlier this month while attempting to cross a busy intersection at the start of rush hour.

According to police, the man was standing on a median just before the accident. In a matter of seconds, he was struck in the middle of the roadway by a woman driving a dark green Chevrolet Metro. He was rushed to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Although reports indicate that the man was not in a crosswalk, drivers must remain attentive at all times to avoid hitting pedestrians. A pedestrian accident can leave people with severe injuries. They may be left with cuts and broken bones. However, a pedestrian accident can cause much more serious injuries such as head and spinal cord injuries.

A motor vehicle is not a toy. Thus, drivers must operate their vehicles with caution. In a split second, one driver’s inattention can result in a tragic accident.

Though many accidents are unintentional, it’s good to know that people involved in these types of tragic accidents don’t have to suffer and may even be awarded compensation after pursuing legal advice. The compensation that is awarded may be used to cover medical expenses and lost wages. After all, people should not have to suffer financial setbacks as a result of another driver’s negligence.

Source:, “Car hits pedestrian at New Circle Road and Bryan Avenue,” Josh Kegley, Aug. 16, 2012

Posted in: Car Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Personal Injury