The accusations were that he gave a 14 year old girl alcohol, had sex with her, then gave her the morning after pill the next day. During the trial it was discovered that the “victim” had apparently engaged in sexual relations earlier that same night with a very close friend of the defendant. The “victim” refused to be examined by the SANE Nurse, and changed her story on many occasions. The main evidence against the Defendant was a series of text messages back and forth between the Defendant and the alleged victim. After a four day trial the Jury was deadlocked, with 8 people voting to acquit and 4 people voting to convict on the felony rape and sexual abuse charges. [NOTE: several months later the same Defendant retuned to Court and was represented by the “Bulldog” Eric Deters. The case resulted in a conviction and a seven year prison sentence}.
Read more about the case in:
WCPO Cincinnati
PR Web